The Stomach Exercise All-stars

There are plenty of stomach exercises out the for those who want to shape their core and strengthen their midsection. This may be both a blessing and a curse. It is easy to find plenty of exercises and routines that work the midsection, but how does one know which ones are any good? Well, listed here are what appear to be some of the best around, according to recommendations by fitness experts. If you want to work on your stomach, but are not sure where to start, then this "all-star team" may be a good jumping off point. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Crunchless Crunch Regular crunches are great for working the rectus abdominus (the muscles at the front of your stomach), but they do very little for the transverse abdominal muscles deeper in the midsection, plus they tend to put strain on your back and neck. This first exercise corrects that, working the transverse muscles with no back or neck strain. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Hip Lift Remain on your back for this stomach exercise. Put your arms at your sides with palms facing up to the ceiling. Put your legs straight up in the air so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling and your legs make about a ninety degree angle with your torso. Keep your knees unbent and as straight as possible. Now, contract your ab muscles so that it feels like your belly button is being pulled toward your spine, while at the same time gently lifting your hips off the floor. Raise your hips to height of a few inches, keeping your legs extended straight upward. Hold this position, then slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Long Arm Crunch For this stomach exercise, remain on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lie back and extend your arms straight back on the floor as though you are reaching above your head. Contract your abs and slowly lift your arms, head and shoulders off the floor to about a thirty degree angle. Hold it, then slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set. Be careful not to lead with your arms, keeping them straight and alongside your head.

Some other honorable mentions include the vertical leg crunch, torso twists, and any Pilates routine that emphasizes the core. Feel free to research some of these exercises more once you have mastered the three above. Now that you are armed with some of the better stomach exercises, you are on your way to a trimmer tummy!

Where To Develop Six-pack Abs

Today, fitness centers have become a popular haven for people who are conscious about their figure—especially to those who are looking forward to having six-pack abs. For them, enrolling in specific programs offered by the fitness center can ensure their success in achieving their goals to have a body that is fit and healthy.

Nowadays, most fitness centers are unisex which caters to both men and women. They have different offerings for both sexes because the owners know that these individuals have different needs. Unlike before where most centers are male-centered, today more and more fitness establishments also provide a venue specifically designed for women. This is quite effective for women especially those who feel awkward when men see them doing their stretching and weight lifting exercises during their scheduled workouts. Aside from the space provide for them, many women enjoy working out in these types of fitness centers because these have special facilities, unique programs and even women instructors to guide them.

For women who would want to have six-pack abs, it is advisable to enroll in a fitness center or in a gym to be guided by the instructors accordingly. Here, specific workout plan will be created for them so they can achieve successful health goals.

Choosing the right fitness center

If you are one of those who are planning to enroll in a fitness center or in a gym to develop six-pack abs, it is best that you will feel comfortable in the place. The major considerations should include the safety, cleanliness, and well-maintained environment. Since you will be staying inside the fitness center during while developing that six-pack abs, it is best to look for a fitness center or a gym with:

- Good location. The most ideal and convenient location of the fitness center is near the home or in the workplace. When the fitness center is nearby, you can be encouraged to drop by thinking they will not have to worry about going home or to the office late because the center is just within the area.

- Workout schedules that are adjustable. Once you have decided to do your work outs in a fitness center, choose for those that offer services that can suit your schedule. This is important for it will ensure that you can work out because the place is open for you. For those who have erratic schedule, look for a fitness center that is open for 24-hours so you can drop by whenever you are free.

- Affordable monthly fees or membership fees. Choose a fitness center that is budget-friendly. Before enrolling, make sure that you inquire about the fees and its breakdown so you will know if your money will worth it. Stay away from fitness centers that charge high prices. For beginners, try enrolling in fitness center that offer lower charges for trials.

- Advanced gym facilities and equipment. The set of facilities and equipment that the gym offers will give you an idea about the quality of service that you will be getting. Before signing up, make sure that you visit the condition of the facilities and equipment.

- Professional trainers and friendly staff. Having enough number of trainers will ensure that there will be somebody who will guide you as you train for your six-pack abs. Aside from guiding you in your work outs, professional trainers can also monitor your development and can give you suggestions on how to improve your weak areas. The friendly staff will also be a bonus because knowing that somebody will assist you will somehow motivate you to come back.

Used Fitness Equipment_ Cheaper Alternative To Get Fit

Today, more and more people are getting more and more concerned about how their body looks. You can never deny the fact that having a great looking and muscular body is very attractive. With those well-defined muscles, you can be sure that you will have more sex appeal than your average person with that extra "love handles" or "beer belly".

You also need to consider the health reasons behind the great looking and muscular body. Having a great looking and muscular body means that you will also have a healthy heart. First of all, you need to consider that muscles burn fat inside your body. By doing this, you will be able to prevent heart related diseases where fat clogs up your arteries and make you suffer from heart attacks and stroke.

You have to realize the fact that there is a significant increase of heart related diseases and diabetes cases in the United States of America. Thanks to fast food and automation, people in the US are getting fatter and lazier each day. Because of this, more and more Americans are turning their TV off, and are now starting to exercise in the gym. Exercising is the best and the normal way to develop your muscles and keep your heart healthy. It is very important to remember that by exercising, you will be able to have that muscular body you have always wanted. However, what if you don't even have time to go to the gym and you prefer staying at home?

You can consider answering this question by purchasing your own home fitness equipment. However, you also need to realize that home fitness machines are quite expensive. If you are a type of person who is in a low income level and you still want to exercise, you can still do so by jogging around your local park. However, the main disadvantage of this is your local weather. If it rains or snows, you can never go out and do your daily run.

So, the best way to exercise without going to the gym is by purchasing used fitness equipments. These are second hand fitness equipments that the previous owner doesn't want anymore because of various reasons. Some sells their fitness equipments because they plan on replacing their fitness equipment with newer models, while other says that they sell their fitness equipments because no one actually uses it.

However, before you purchase used fitness equipment, you have to consider the fact that these equipments are already used and may have maintenance problems. If it is possible, you have to try it out first for a few times. By doing this, you will determine if the used fitness equipment being offered is still in good working condition. Never buy used fitness equipment that emits strange and unnecessary noise when being operated.

If it is possible, you can bring your fitness trainer along when shopping for used fitness equipment. They will be able to determine if the used fitness equipment being offered is in top working condition or not. They will also be able to recommend some fitness equipments that you need.

These are some of the things you should remember when purchasing used fitness equipments.

Fitness Training_ The Best Way To Get A Great Looking Body Plus The Health Benefits

In today's society, many people are now getting more and more concerned about their physical appearance. Besides, having a good looking body means that you can attract more of the opposite sex. This is why many people go through liposuction surgery or experiment with their body by trying out different kinds of diets.

Although liposuction surgery can give you a thinner and better looking body, you have to consider that this process don't necessarily develop your body. The process will involve sucking out fats from a specific part of your body and the surgeon will 'sculpt" your body to get a better looking figure. In dieting, you should consider that this can be very dangerous for your body as it can deprive the body of the nutrients it needs. Some diets say that you shouldn't eat carbohydrates, which your body needs in order to have energy. Some diets suggest fasting which also means depriving your body of the essential nutrients it needs.

So, just what is the best way to have a better looking body and at the same time, give your body the health benefits it needs?

The answer to this question is very simple. With the proper diet plus fitness training, you will be able to obtain a well-toned body with all the health benefits because fitness training actually keeps your heart pumping, therefore, making it healthy.

There are quite a lot of fitness training methods available today. You have to choose the fitness training method that will suit your needs. If you like body building, you have to consider concentrating more on cardiovascular exercises and weight lifting. However, if you only want a healthy body and a well-toned one, you can consider fitness training exercises that concentrate more on cardiovascular exercises and a little on weight training.

Fitness training is the most natural way of obtaining a well-toned and healthy body. You have to remember that muscles burn fat. By developing your muscles it will burn fat at the same time. The fat stored in your body is what keeps your muscles working. Think of the fat in your body as the fuel for your muscles. This is why that although dieting alone can give you a slimmer body, it will lack strength because you are depriving your muscles of fat.

You have to consider that the human body needs fat in order for it to work properly. However, you have to use those fats in order for you to not have that "extra padding" or those "love handles". You can try hunting for your own food in the wilderness as what the humans before did that is both an exercise and a necessity. However, most of the food hunting you do today is in the mall with your credit card as your weapon. Technology have contributed to obesity and being overweight. So, the best way that you can use your fat and at the same time develop your body's muscles is through fitness training.

Lower Stomach Exercises

An important and sometimes neglected step in stomach exercise routines is isolating particular muscles within the abdominal group. One such set of muscles which needs isolation in order to be exercised properly are the muscles in the lower stomach. There are a number of stomach exercises which isolate and work these muscles. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Crunchless Crunch This first exercise is fairly simple but can also be fairly difficult. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Alternating Toe Touch You will need to lie on a flat surface for this stomach exercise. The floor works best, using a mat or towel to cushion the spine. Lie on the floor and put your feet up in the air. Extend your right arm and use your lower abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor. Touch your left toes with your right hand, then lower yourself back down. Switch hands and repeat. Keep your knees straight throughout and maintain a space between your chin and chest.

Sit-Up Hold While you are still on the floor, try this stomach exercise. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor and position your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back so you cannot see them-- do not put them alongside your head. Use your lower abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for ten seconds. You may increase the number of seconds you hold as it gets easier. Be sure to lift with your abdominals and not with your arms or neck.

Lower Back Flatten This stomach exercise is a good natural progression from the sit-up hold, as it starts from the same basic position: lying down, knees bent, feet flat. You may have noticed when you did the previous exercise that there is a natural space between your lower back and the floor, created by the curve of your spine. In this exercise, you want to use your lower abdominals to push your lower back toward the floor and eliminate this space. Try to focus on pushing with only your lower abdominals and not your legs. Your pelvis will rotate slightly, which is fine so long as the lower abdominals are doing the work. Once you have got your back flat to the floor, hold the contraction for ten seconds. Again, you should continue to build on this time as your stomach muscles gain strength and endurance.

Benefits Of Using A Stability Ball In Your Training

If there is one equipment you should not miss in your training, it is the stability ball. The market comes up with new training tools every now and then. Yet you are not sure if they do work and if they are safe. So for one that is guaranteed to work, use the stability ball.

What Is a Stability Ball?

This is a large and inflatable ball used as an exercise equipment. Despite being air-filled, it is generally heavy-duty and capable to hold 600 to 700 pounds of weight. It is comfortable and gives good support. It perfectly suits the trainee as it easily goes with the structure of the body.

This exercise tool is also sometimes called as the physioball or the Swiss Ball.

The good thing about using the stability ball is it reduces the perception of "working" in training, especially for beginners. It gives some element of "play" as you get rough with the training. It adds some fun and excitement as you advance in the movements and techniques.

Another good point with the ball is that it can be used by anybody. No fitness level is required. It is very portable and light weight, easy to bring along even when traveling. It is also inexpensive compared to other exercise equipment and it could last for a very long time.

How Stability Balls Came About?

The use of the stability balls for training can be traced in rehabilitation. As early as the 1900's, physical therapists have been using balls in addressing the neurological disorders of their patients.

Then, in the early 1960's, Aquilino Cosani, an Italian toy maker, made the ball and sold it, known then as the "Gymnastik." Two decades after, Cosani came up with a company called Gymnic and became the major supplier of the stability ball to most rehabilitation programs and centers.

The ball then shifted from the rehabilitation to the athletic area, in the 90's. It was used to condition the body of professional athletes. From then on, the ball became very prominent in the fitness community.

At present medical specialists and fitness professionals very much recommend the use of the stability ball by the public. It serves more than solving physical problems. It is good in preventing you from having one.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Stability Ball?

The stability ball definitely is best to improve the strength of the abs and the lower-backs. It improves as well the functional strength, balance and flexibility of the body.

1. Proper Alignment Using the ball during training will test the body to make use of the different parts to maintain the proper balance. The dynamic movements during exercise will improve the natural motor reflexes of the body as different muscles are utilized in movement, especially the ones that are not usually used. The challenge posed by the ball is to maintain balance. As one aims to get the proper balance, the alignment of the body parts is also improved.

2. Great Abs For people working out to achieve great abs, this ball can definitely target the abdominal areas. The abs and the back muscles are simultaneously moved as you work in your balance. Just imagine the good feeling of having a flat stomach area and you will definitely love this ball.

3. Muscle Strength and Endurance The stability ball can help in alleviating any back pain and preventing one in the future. As all the major muscle groups are exercised, the muscle tone, strength and endurance are also improved. Thus it gives the body flexibility, stability and resistance.

4. Core Stability This concerns the major muscles that helps stabilize and support all of the body movements. This is made up of back and the deep abdominal muscles. With the ball, no matter how 'deep" or "into the core" these muscles are, they are still exercised. This is something only the stability ball can guarantee.

5. Stretching The ball is a good companion during stretching exercises. With this, you can easily move into and move out of different stretching positions.

6. Losing Weight Of course, with all the good benefits of using the ball, you will not miss out on the aspect of losing weight. With regular exercises and trainings done with the stability ball, a person can lose some unwanted pounds as the body is firmed.

Health is definitely your most important asset. So do your regular exercises and maintain a healthy diet. Furthermore, have a happy and fun training with the stability ball.

Lose Your Belly By Improving Your Posture

Everyone knows the children's song about the leg bone being connected to the hip bone, but how many people really take it to heart? Obviously, everyone knows that the leg bone does in fact attach to the hip bone; that's not the point. Probably not many people really stop to think about how related and interconnected the parts of the human body really are. In an illustration of this point, the back and stomach muscles are all affected by one another as they form a girdle around the lower torso. It stands to reason, then, that your posture affects how your tummy looks, and the strength of your stomach muscles affects your posture.

Stand Up Straight This first step to losing a belly is to stand and sit up straight. This actually has a few different effects. First of all, slouching accentuates belly fat, so simply sitting up will make you appear slimmer. Second, proper posture help improves the strength of your back, which of course makes it easier to maintain proper posture longer. Third, poor posture leads to back pain, which makes stomach exercises difficult. Having good posture will make it easier for you to work out your stomach muscles and whittle down that belly. Lastly, a nice straight posture enhances blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the legs and lower back, both of which are involved in many stomach exercises. So, if you are trying to lose a belly, the first step is to simply sit and stand up as straight as possible as often as possible. Do that, and you are already on your way!

Back Extension For the reader familiar with the crunchless crunch, this move will seem similar but backwards. For this exercise, you will need to start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. You may use a mat or towel to cushion your pelvis and head. Position your arms by your sides, palms up. Contract your back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Hold the contraction briefly, then release and slowly lower your torso back down to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

The next part of this exercise begins by extended your arms out above your head (picture a superhero flying through the air). Now lift your legs off the floor simultaneously while keeping your head and arms held in place. Try to imagine your legs growing longer as you are lifting them up. Hold your legs up briefly, then slowly lower them back to the floor.

Doing these two things will help you strengthen your back and correct your posture, which are great first steps to losing an unwanted belly. You will also want to continue working on your back muscles and other core muscles, such as the transverse and rectus abdominus. Stomach exercises that work the core will help you straighten up your posture, lose belly fat, and gain muscle tone in both your back and tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

The Basics Of Pilates Exersise And Training System

The Pilates exercise and training system is a popular fitness program that is known to focus on stretching, strengthening and balancing of the different areas of the body. It makes use of a system or sets of body specific exercises that is practiced along with focused breathing patterns. The exercises also help in teaching proper breathing awareness while doing them. This fitness system also helps aid spine alignment. The exercises in the Pilates system also aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles that is more commonly known as the "core".

History of Pilates The Pilates system was first developed by a German by the name of Joseph Pilates sometime during the First World War. In the system that is now widely known by his last name, the aim was to help improve the rehabilitation program being provided for the returning war veterans. This type of fitness regimen was proposed the make use only of a few and precise movements. This makes it a more convenient fitness regimen especially for injured soldiers. The said fitness system makes do with more emphasis on control and form, adding a mental aspect to fitness. A primary aim then was to help injured soldiers to regain their strength as well as to stabilize some of the body's key muscles.

Mental Aspect At first, Joseph Pilates initially called this new fitness system as Contrology. The term was chosen because he believed that the new method and its exercises needed to make use of the mind more often in order to control the muscles to achieve the perfect execution and form of each type of exercise. The aim was to make the mind work closely together with the body in order to allow movements with grace and balance but with the least amount of movement possible. It is important in the Pilates system that practitioners to always pay close attention to the body as it moves when doing the exercises.

Breathing Aspect Another thing that Joseph Pilates believed is that good blood circulation is very important for having a healthy body. The blood needs to circulate properly in order for the body to function more efficiently. Good circulation helps awaken the cells in the body. Good circulation also helps a lot in getting rid of waste products in cells and tissues. These are the waste products that are usually related to fatigue.

One way for good circulation to do its work properly is through proper breathing. As the blood circulating in the body needs to be rich in oxygen and be freed of waste gases, proper breathing will allow it to do so. Pilates believed that proper breathing and good circulation go hand in hand. And because of this the practice of proper breathing is an important part of each Pilates exercise. If at one point a person stops breathing for a moment during a certain set of exercise, then it is considered as improper. The person may be doing something wrong in the said exercise.

Core Focus The Pilates exercise and training system also focuses on strengthening the group of muscles usually referred to as the "core". This group of muscles which is located in the center of the body includes the muscles in the hips, abdomen, lower back and the buttocks. The Pilates exercises focuses on building a more powerful core. This is where the body's energy is said to originate from.